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iphone 4s case lazada

CNET también está disponible en español. Don't show this again. Jessica's position is clear--the Galaxy Note is a phone with some extra features, but it isn't a tablet. Brian on the other hand, strongly sees it more as a hybrid that can knock out the need for a separate, larger device. We break down our relative positions here. Portability. Jessica Dolcourt: The Note is a big phone, almost too big to comfortably hold, but I can slip it into my back pocket when it isn't in my purse. The dimensions alone make it large for a phone, but not totally unreasonable considering the proliferation of 4.5-inchers (and more) out there. The 5.3-inch screen here is far closer to phone territory than it is to the smallest "standard" tablet size you see--7 inches. (I don't count the 5-inch Dell Streak tablet, unless it's as the exception that proves the rule that nobody wants a 5-inch tablet.).

Brian iphone 4s case lazada Bennett: In my view, portability depends on which angle you approach the Note, I think of it as a mini-tablet since it squeezes all the essential abilities of a bigger 10-inch Honeycomb slate into a 5.3-inch machine, That may not sound like a lot, but it makes a huge difference on my daily commute, I see people on the subway grappling with unwieldy iPads all the time and it's not pretty, There's a reason strap-hangers give old-school newspaper readers dirty looks, As a traditional phone, the Galaxy Note's size is comical since the point of a handset is to put it bluntly, fit in your hand, I've come very close to dropping the Note onto harsh city sidewalks when gripping it one-handed, As for jeans pockets, fuhgeddaboutit..

Operating system. JD: It runs off Android 2.3 Gingerbread, not Android 3.0 Honeycomb, so Samsung intended it to primarily be a smartphone. There's only one app that nods to tablet behavior, and that's to show a reading pane in the official e-mail program when you turn the phone to landscape mode. BB: That's true, Gingerbread in place of Ice Cream Sandwich is a letdown, but it won't be long until we see ICS on tablets and phones. Still, as I said before, so far I've been able to use the Galaxy Note to tackle my morning tablet ritual. This consists of reading newspaper apps, and flipping through a bunch of news articles compiled by Pulse and Google Currents. Then I switch over to audio podcasts provided by Google Listen for the walk to the office.

Video playback, JD: Watching videos is excellent on the Note's large screen--relative to a phone, Not bad if you're trying to keep your movie preferences to yourself, but a thumbnail compared iphone 4s case lazada to a 10-inch tablet like the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 or iPad, BB: OK, you got me there, It's hard to make the case that the Galaxy Note's 5.3-inch display can compete with the iPad or even Samsung's Galaxy Tab devices with huge 10.1-inch screens, However, the Note's Super AMOLED display looks mighty fine, with great viewing angles and eye-popping color, and you don't have to worry about Peeping Toms eying your screen..

JD: It's the same story with e-reading. I opened up a book in the "Game of Thrones" series to test it out. I sure didn't have to hold the phone as close to my face as other smartphones, but for longer reading sessions, it can't compare to a larger screen that's easier to read and requires you to turn fewer pages. BB: I'm sorry, but I disagree entirely. Where I do most of my reading, on subway cars or in coffee shops, the Galaxy Note's smaller size is less of a hassle to handle. It's also less conspicuous than whipping out a big, bad, 10-inch slate for all to see. Of course, I concede that reading content on a larger device is easier on the eyes and makes more sense for hanging at home on the couch or in bed.

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