hanging wooden sign ballerina dancer fairy wings victorian valentine gift for her handmade lily maud ornamental ballet shoes dec

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hanging wooden sign ballerina dancer fairy wings victorian valentine gift for her handmade lily maud ornamental ballet shoes dec

hanging wooden sign ballerina dancer fairy wings victorian valentine gift for her handmade lily maud ornamental ballet shoes dec

hanging wooden sign ballerina dancer fairy wings victorian valentine gift for her handmade lily maud ornamental ballet shoes dec

What to do on the Fourth?. A parade, McCartysville Band patriotic music, Liberty Bell ringing, costumed historical figures, singing, free popsicles and U.S. flags all add up to a free, old-fashioned Independence Day celebration in Saratoga on July 4, 9:30-11 a.m., at Kevin Moran Park, 12415 Scully Ave. Mayor Manny Cappello will emcee. Celebrate Independence Day at the Mountain Winery, 5:30-10:30 p.m. Enjoy music by The Cocktail Monkeys, wine and Chef David Sidoti’s Southern Comfort Buffet while overlooking views and fireworks of Silicon Valley. Assigned seats require advance tickets. mountainwinery.com.

My favorite three dances 1, Milo Manheim is only 17 so he doesn’t have a lot of memorable years to call on, but he and Witney Carson celebrated 2018 (the year his movie came out, he graduated from high school and decides what college to attend) with an hanging wooden sign ballerina dancer fairy wings victorian valentine gift for her handmade lily maud ornamental ballet shoes dec amazing jive, It was fast and fun, and at one point, he danced on the judges’ desk and then did a backflip off, without missing a beat, Bruno praised his “strength and elasticity,” and Len said it had “plenty of content, and lovely, sharp flicks and kicks, A terrific jive.” Score: three 9s for 27 out of 30..

In the wake of that moment, a million memes were born online, many of them making fun of the kid for, well, for not having his act together. Check some of the jokes, including some that imagine what McKenna was so intently typing into his phone. — MTK (@MTKcastlerock) February 5, 2018. — David Valentin

Transitions Support Group: Navigate life’s changes hanging wooden sign ballerina dancer fairy wings victorian valentine gift for her handmade lily maud ornamental ballet shoes dec with facilitator Janeen Pratt in this small group, Meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month, 1:30-3 p.m, Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center, 208 E, Main St., Los Gatos, lgsrecreation.org, 408-354-1514, Julius Caesar: Political intrigue and backstabbing abounds in Shakespeare’s historical drama, July 29-Sept, 2, Sanborn County Park, 16055 Sanborn Road, Saratoga, $17-$22, svshakespeare.org/tickets, 408-867-4040, The Three Musketeers: The trio of adventuring heroes is joined by D’Artagnan and his sister, Sabine, in this adaptation by Ken Ludwig, Aug, 5-Sept, 4, Sanborn County Park, 16055 Sanborn Road, Saratoga, $17-$22, svshakespeare.org/tickets, 408-867-4040..

Students in the Summer Studio, whose tuition is $1,500, come into the program with varying levels of skill in various aspects of theatrical performance and production. “Our inspiration for Summer Studio was the idea that if we got together a group of young artists with varying interests and skills–not just not just performance skills–really interesting and exciting theater could be made,” Cole-Farrell says. The program’s primary focus, she adds, is on how a play is made.

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